
11 Ways to Lower Your A/C Costs This Summer

11 Ways to Lower Your A/C Costs This Summer

As the summer months approach, you may be tempted to turn up the A/C to cool things down.

Instead of skyrocketing your air conditioning bill, here are eleven simple ways to keep your house cool and your spending low!

1. Replace HVAC Filters

Replacing your filter is necessary to lower the cooling costs you accrue during the summer. The primary goal of air filters is to keep dust and other particles out of your unit. This prevents buildup of these dust particles and what could potentially become the unit breaking down.

When your filter is dirty, your air conditioning unit must work harder to produce cold air. More energy input equates to a higher energy bill.

2. Avoid Indoor Cooking

Heating up an oven or turning on the stove affects the temperature of common living spaces in your home. Grilling or cooking outside allows you to make tasty food while keeping your indoor living spaces cool.

3. Install a Small Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to monitor and regulate the temperature of your home to optimize your air conditioning bill. For example, when you are away on vacation, you can program your thermostat to operate at a lower temperature, saving you money on a higher energy bill.

4. Get Your A/C Serviced

An air conditioning maintenance specialist can determine if your unit is operating efficiently. They check on things such as voltage connections, refrigerant levels, and the cleanliness of your outdoor coils associated with your cooling unit.

5. Close Curtains During the Day

Solar energy produces a lot of heat. When the sun is shining on a hot, summer day, it can easily pour through your windows, heating up the space in a matter of minutes and forcing your air conditioning unit to work harder to cool down your house.

One way to combat high air conditioning bills is by closing your shades and blinds during the hot summer months. This blocks the sunlight from coming in and reflects it away from your house. Experts say that it is best for the window shade to be close to the window pane for optimal effects with this technique.

6. Replace Your Windows

Old windows aren’t energy efficient. Before summer starts, upgrade them to energy-efficient windows and the costs of cooling your home with an A/C.

Additionally, poorly sealed windows can leak. This would require your air conditioning system to work twice as hard to catch up with the lost cool air.

Even though there may be some upfront costs involved in getting new windows installed, it would lower your electricity costs in the longer run.

7. Insulate Your Walls

A lot of air can leak through windows. Furthermore, air can also circulate through crawl spaces and attics.

So it's a better idea to hire a professional to insulate your home to increase energy efficiency. If you own an older home, getting insulation is worth the investment.

8. Invest in Solar Panels

Solar panels use the sun's energy to form electricity. It is a renewable energy resource, so that it will reduce the cost of your electricity bills by a great deal. Solar panels are installed on the roof to catch as much sunlight as possible.

The initial price of the solar panels may be significant, but you can also lease them to save money.

9. Install Your Appliances in the Right Places

Home appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, stoves, washing machines, and dryers are usually very power consuming and emit a lot of heat. When you are installing these appliances in your home, make sure to choose places where there is some ventilation.

For instance, if you install your refrigerator in your living space, a lot of hot air will rise, and your air conditioner will not work correctly. This would lead to an increase in energy costs.

10. Spend More Time On Lower Ground

The roof of a home is the area that is directly exposed to sunlight. So naturally, the upper portion will heat up faster than the rest of the house.

Organize your home so that most of your time is spent on the lower floors comfortably. This will help you prevent the use of A/C on the upper floors. You should also get A/C maintenance in the meantime.

11. Use Portable or Ceiling Fans

Fans can circulate cool air around your home. This way, they'll be able to take the burden off your A/C for a while.

You can use your current fans or install some fans around your home for increased energy efficiency.

Cool Down With Quality Systems Heating & Cooling

This summer does not have to bring overpriced air conditioning bills! Quality Systems Heating & Cooling is here to help you lower your utilities by maximizing your system’s efficiency. To schedule your free quote, please call us at 952-226-2665 or visit us online.

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